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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Lend me your ballet shoes, Black Swan.

I've always dreamed of one day being a ballerina. That didnt happen. I still dream though. I always enjoyed movies that involved dancing, especially ballet dancing. They look so beautiful and it's as though they define the gravity with all their twirls....and dancing. I can't get enough of it. The costumes are so dreamy and gives the opportunity to forget who you are...and portray this character as though it were actually you. I've never been to a ballet, but I will someday.
Sigh. Such beauty. When I think if ballet colors, I often think of soft pastel colors. A soft quiet pink, a powder wispy blue, covered with white tool. I've always thought lace would go well with those colors to give a vintage feel.

This may be one of my upcoming photoshoots. I'm not sure yet how I'm going to portray the Beauty of a ballet dancer. I have a friend who practices ballet, so I might get in touch with her.

What are your thoughts? :)

{Elsie Assin}

Monday, December 26, 2011

Ready for a New Year! 2012!

Just a few days before my Christmas holidays were beginning, my class (I'm a TA) was having a Christmas bake sale. It was fundraising for our class field trip that we have at the end of the year. And I was making a poster, with all the details of when, and where...etc. Later, the teacher of the class came up to me with a smirk, and told me that I had put "October" on the poster instead of "December". I had a major whoopsie. We both laughed. I had to quickly go change it. I couldn't figure out why I was thinking we were in a completely different month. I'm not sure if it was the fact that we've been having a challenging first few months of school, and I was beyond ready for a 2-week holiday.

With that being said, I'm happy to say that I'm ready for the new year! SO ready. 2011, wasn't my year. Especially when it comes to my photography. Sure, I graduated from photography college this year, but after that I went into this block. I couldn't find the inspiration! I.COULD.NOT.
It would take so much prepping, and drive to just do a photo-shoot. It's a lot of work. If there isn't the passion, it just didn't feel worth all the hard work. I've been having issues with figuring out what I wanted to focus my photography career on.
This year, I've mostly taken landscapes. Simply because my ideas for fashion, portrait shoots seemed too out of hand. I feel insecure in that area. For one, posing is really difficult. And I get mini-anxiety attacks...where I just want to get it done, and done fast. I come back to look at the photos and realize I should've spent more time on certain shots. Therefore, leaving me with little to none... "winning" shots. 
I have a few more goals for the new year.

Marketing is #1. I plan to update my blog, facebook page more often. I'm hoping to get some prints made, and sale them. I will start small, and hopefully more business will come through from there.

#2 - Sit down, gather my thoughts, and PUT INTO ONE concept. Hopefully that will lead to a photoshoot. 
#3 - get off my ass, and quit being lazy. I keep putting photography related work aside.

Those are my main goals for the new year.

So, hopefully you will be seeing more of my work!



Sunday, November 20, 2011


I cant take it. Where is the inspiration?
I see other peoples photography work, and I feel small. One, I want more lenses...but i'm poor. I need to save. I have issues with that, but also BILLS need to be paid. Lenses aren't cheap. And they shouldn't be, for the all they can do. I'm drooling over a macro lens, that I wish I can put on my camera. When will I have it?
Then, I really want a certain telephoto lenses, which can enhance my landscapes, portraits, and animal life. Which should I get first?
I can't decide.
I'm limited with my photography with the lens i have now...which doesn't give me much confidence. Is that normal? I've read about other photographers, who have taken outstanding photos with... not-so-great cameras! Am I doing something wrong? It's frustrating.

I have all these artistic ideas, but I don't have the funds to bring them to life. Props, lights cost... money. Frustrated.
I don't like the feeling of being self-conscience and limited.

let's see where I'll get within the next month.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

I'm waiting for you, my dear love. Fall, please come soon.


I ventured outdoors, with hopes to find many surprises of Fall. It has yet to come! The leaves are only beginning to change color. This was a post tgat was supposed to be published in the fall.  

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I have two new ideas for a photoshoot. I won't tell the full details. They've come to be over the span of two days! It's a liberating feeling! I haven't been inspired in a while. I'm quite enjoying this roller-coaster ride.

So, number one.

Just yesterday, I was at a major Christian multi-artist event, here in Winnipeg. It was a blast! There wasn't anything I loved about it.
I was trugging, pushing, and finding my way through a crowd. Okay, so I did that a few times. But this one specific time. I was going to go meet my friend somewhere.
Here's the setting. The night sky was new and fresh. The sky was smogged with all the city lights, it had a bit of a most cities do.  I was heading out of the heart of the crowd. I was in the area where everyone was jumping like crazy, and it was awesome. All the faces that I was passing, had this blank stare as they were watching the band that was on the concert. They paid no attention to me as I wiggled through them. It was like a little marble just finding her way through speghetti. No one had no personal bubbles anymore, at this point. I was in a rush, so I just kept going and going. I was alone. It felt as through I was the only one heading into the opposite direction.
I suddenly was hit with inspiration. Going against the crowd, with all my own problems. No one paying any attention whatsoever. Am I looking for attention? Am I wanting to be heard?
So, I've done a photoshoot (with myself) for a class assigntment, last year of course.Where I set my camera up in one position. On  a tripod, with a timer and lights set. I would put together three pictures. I did three different poses. I was dressed and makeup was different in each. I put them together in one photo, but they were all me. It was an awesome turn-out. Here's what I'm talking about...

So, I had the same idea except different. With a different model of course. I would have multiple shots. The same model, but different poses...eventually enough to create a "crowd" (of herself). All facing the same way. And have one pose where she's facing the other way...with a heavy look of pain, and eagerness to just be noticed. Being rejected. It's a beautiful idea. We, all feel this way at one or two points in our lives. I, of course, way more than once or twice. Just the desire to be heard or seen, but not willing to be spit on at the same time. You know? It's hard to explain...

As far as the second idea. I still need to put it into final set.
So, look out for that...


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hey readers!
There are a few updates. I'm not working full-time, non-photography related, but it means more photo-shoots! It will help pay for props, and new LENSES! Oh baby, i'm SO excited! I'm looking at a few tele-photo lenses, fish-eye, and macro that I'm hoping to get within the next year. Currently, I have a few unofficial photo-shoots with a few friends coming up.
I'm currently working on photos I've done with a regular client, a family member, and landscapes! Keep updated on my Facebook Page:
I'm hoping to also get internet set up at my new house within the next month. That means more blog posts about ideas, thoughts about lenses (etc), updates on photoshoots, and everything Elsie Assin Photography related!
I hope to have an official site set up for just my photography! That way, you don't have to follow so many links to read my blog AND follow my Facebook Page.
I'm debating whether or not I should delete this blog and my Facebook page when I get the site set-up. Thoughts?

let me know! oh, by the way, as of late, i've been getting wonderful feedback from followers of my photography! thank you SO much! I absolutely adore getting feedback, and blush every time someone gives me a compliment in regards to my photography!

I've loved Photography since I was a young girl, and I'm not only doing photography because its "in". I'm not flaunting my photography because it seems to be a trend. I reassure you that I was into it BEFORE it became a trend. It pissses me off, but what can you do eh?
Just because you have a fancy big camera, doesn't make you a professional photographer....

I'm not the best photographer, I'm still learning! I just finished a program just a few months ago. I'm still learning! It's more than just pretty pictures, it's ART! Get with it, guys. Seriously.

Okay, no ranting.

That's all for now! Just a brief update.

Check out the Facebook Page, eh? I'd appreciate it! It wouldn't hurt to "like" the page as well!  ;)

Thanks guys! Love you all!

- Elsie A