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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Deep Desire

I am very in like, of Taylor Swift's song Safe and Sound. I have yet to watch the movie, The Hunger Games, which the song was intended for.
What, I like the most, is the intensity of the song. The song has a deep meaning, for various situations. 

From what I understand, the singer point of view is the older sister to her younger sister. I could be wrong, but I have yet to watch the movie.

In my mind, I see this person who has a great deal of fear but has no other choice to conquer that fear, and take the courage to be strong and fearless.
This is where that intense feeling comes in, love.

I find that the word love is often slurred and mumbled around too much, that it loses it's very meaning. There is more to love, than just being fond of sometime. That step, where you love someone so much, to the point, you make sacrifices. Self-less sacrifices in order to save the other. It is, thinking beyond you're own wants, and needs. Is it not? 

This girl, loved her sister so much, that she had taken her place. She loved her little sister, and couldn't bare the thought of her being in such a position that could only end in death. 

I find that so meaningful. We often get trapped in our little worlds, that we forget about what love really means. Whether it's a special someone, sibling, friend, or a family member. 

I've been asked to shoot a wedding, and I'll admit it was a bit scary because I haven't done such an event. But, little moments like these, make me excited to shoot it. I'm excited to try and capture that intense love that made these two people want to spend the rest of their lives together. Marriage is a big deal, and is a major step into life. It's an exciting step for any couple! 
From what I see, a wedding is more than just an event with cake, it's an event that makes two people joined together. It's honoring their love in marriage. Love is a powerful thing, that it had joined these two people (or any to-be married). 

Just a blurb into my mind. 


Monday, June 25, 2012

Possibilities of Large Prints!

So, a few people have requested for a large wall-canvas print of some of my work! The photo above is an example. I waited until I received a bit more requests, to consider it. I think it's a great idea! I'm going to look into prices online, and gather price ranges. 

If you are interested in getting a print of my work,  whether it's just a 8x10, 11x14, Wall-Canvas of any size, or perhaps a calender? I've considered doing a calender, and might consider selling them! 
Wouldn't that be cool?

I'm excited about this! More details coming soon. Give me your feedback! :)


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

New season is upon us, and probably the one I've been looking forward to without even realizing it. This is the season where all the spices get thrown into the wonderful soup of a busy schedule! My heart is just jumping for joy when a person asks me to do their event, wedding, portraits, etc. I am still in awe when they ask. I say this all the time. But, seriously, I'm thankful and incredibly grateful for the gift I was blessed with.

What does this season bring? Well, a few things...a banquet! I won't say too much about it, but I'm definitely so excited for it. In fact, I was so pumped for it...I bought...a Canon Speedlite 430X II!
Yes, It was a good buy indeed! I can't wait to put it into use. After reading  a few reviews, and prices online...I splurged and bought it! All ready for the deepen my passion! My visions will have a bit more light in 'em ;)
Sorry, cheesy, i know! Keehee.

Another thing that is new...price packages! As of March 2012, I changed my prices because I've become more in demand, it only made sense. Hopefully, my past clientele won't ditch me :)
For more information, email or call my cell. All that info is the description or go to my FB page! (

Weddings. Weddings. What are your thoughts of weddings? I seriously love everything about weddings. The fact it's a celebration of LOVE! The topic that we all feel guilty but love to talk about. See what I did there?
Weddings are filled with all the memories brought into one place. The bride or groom invite all their family and friends, whom they share memories with. Some of them, they share really hilarious memories...or some...they just don't talk about anymore! ;) You know what I mean, don't deny it. Or, some that you're parents made you invite. I'm getting off-track here. The point is, that the bride and the groom have picked these people who are meaningful to join them as they make their union legal. Or, public! Yes? Well, you are free to disagree as you please. We are valued to our own opinions.
I've been asked a few times to do weddings, but with the new price's been a win or walk-away situation. It breaks my heart, but that's the business. It happens.
It made me open my perspective to "weddings" and what couples put into them. I understand money can be tight, since I'll probably be that way when it'll be my turn. Years time, at least. Haha! It made me appreciate the job I have, that pays pretty decent. The job, that isn't photography related. It's at a school. Who knew, i'd end up there! I am so not with the school deal, but here I am! Guess what? I love it! It's a whole lot of experience! GOOD experience, if we make it that way! One day, I do want to go back...but haven't quite figured out for what yet.

Well, i've ranted and haven't done that in ages. Literally. I was probably a year younger or two. Speaking of which, I'm turning a year older in less than a month! EEK. Mercy.
Is that a wrinkle under my eye? AHHH! haha...only joking :)

My back is starting to ache. Chat later, my dear.

Thank you for reading. YOU, yes you. Leave me your name so I can see your face! Don't be a stranger. I can see where you're from, so might as well tell me your name. Even if I know you, or not. I'd appreciate it! :)


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I realized that my ALL black blog a bit dreary. A bit cheery? I think yes.

I have a baking project tonight, so perhaps I'll be inspired.

Stay tuned.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New everything?
Yes! I'm in the creation stage of new and better things for Elsie Assin photography! My little side hobby has picked up pace, and which means more plans and goals.
Currently designing business cards! Harder than I thought it would be. Finding and researching for ideas! If you have any, let me know.
Also, new price packages, which will be better to suit you, as client, and the needs. Yay!
I am dreaming of a putting a website as well! That will be awhile before it comes out! But it would sure be handy! So, thats another goal!

Here's the links to Elsie Assin photography blog and Facebook page!

And any inquiries, comments questions...please send me an email!

Love, Elsie

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Elsie Assin is back! I had committed to try and keep this blog up! A few things have come up, and I feel like I haven't really scheduled in time to keep this blog updated.
I've been receiving emails, and such about more photoshoots! I'm excited that this is happening, and more people want little ol' me to do their personal, family, wedding, etc. I had come to the conclusion, that this is a bit more than just a side-thing and something I would do only maybe twice or three times a year. So, far I've done a few already in 2012.
Therefore, I've decided to make more price packages/bundles to suit everyone's photographic needs, and help ME be more organized with my little photography "business"!

So, as of March 31, 2012, I will have price packages instead of the one standard fee! I think it will help satisfy your needs as a client, and as well myself, as a photographer.

I appreciate comments, and wonderful reviews about past shoots I've done! It helps me to keep going, and comforted that I'm doing my job well! It's not really a job, more of a PASSION. But, you know what I mean :)

If you want to book, or have any questions in regards to doing a shoot please send an email to;

And I will gladly answer your emails as soon as I can!

You're all the best!
