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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hey readers!
There are a few updates. I'm not working full-time, non-photography related, but it means more photo-shoots! It will help pay for props, and new LENSES! Oh baby, i'm SO excited! I'm looking at a few tele-photo lenses, fish-eye, and macro that I'm hoping to get within the next year. Currently, I have a few unofficial photo-shoots with a few friends coming up.
I'm currently working on photos I've done with a regular client, a family member, and landscapes! Keep updated on my Facebook Page:
I'm hoping to also get internet set up at my new house within the next month. That means more blog posts about ideas, thoughts about lenses (etc), updates on photoshoots, and everything Elsie Assin Photography related!
I hope to have an official site set up for just my photography! That way, you don't have to follow so many links to read my blog AND follow my Facebook Page.
I'm debating whether or not I should delete this blog and my Facebook page when I get the site set-up. Thoughts?

let me know! oh, by the way, as of late, i've been getting wonderful feedback from followers of my photography! thank you SO much! I absolutely adore getting feedback, and blush every time someone gives me a compliment in regards to my photography!

I've loved Photography since I was a young girl, and I'm not only doing photography because its "in". I'm not flaunting my photography because it seems to be a trend. I reassure you that I was into it BEFORE it became a trend. It pissses me off, but what can you do eh?
Just because you have a fancy big camera, doesn't make you a professional photographer....

I'm not the best photographer, I'm still learning! I just finished a program just a few months ago. I'm still learning! It's more than just pretty pictures, it's ART! Get with it, guys. Seriously.

Okay, no ranting.

That's all for now! Just a brief update.

Check out the Facebook Page, eh? I'd appreciate it! It wouldn't hurt to "like" the page as well!  ;)

Thanks guys! Love you all!

- Elsie A